Sunday, March 11, 2007

Linden Lab To Open Source Second Life Software

Linden Lab To Open Source Second Life Software

Creator of Leading 3D Virtual World Releases Source Code To Viewer Software

San Francisco, CA – January 8, 2007 – Linden Lab®, creator of 3D virtual world Second Life® (, is releasing the code of its Viewer application to the open source software development community. Developers can now access the source code to the Second Life end-user software in order to make modifications, enhancements and to add new features. The move marks Linden Lab's continued commitment to building the Second Life Grid as an open, extensible platform for development, rather than a closed proprietary system.

The Second Life Viewer is used by subscribers or 'Residents' to access the virtual world's Grid. Freely-downloadable from the Second Life website, the Viewer software enables Residents to control their in-world avatars, interact with each other via Instant Message, create content, buy and sell objects, access multimedia content and to navigate around the virtual environment. The source code for the sophisticated client software will now be made available to developers who wish to extend and enhance its functionality.

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