Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Second Life Breaks 5 Million Member Mark

--- March 27th, 2007 ---
Total Residents: 5,021,133
 Logged In Last 60 Days: 1,571,553
 Online Now: 26,040
 US$ Spent Last 24h: $1,606,176
 LindeX Activity Last 24h: $235,052
 (as of this morning)

--- March 5th, 2007 ---
Total Residents: 4,315,826
 US$ spent last 24 hours: $1,491,574

Membership up 705,307 in 22 days.
 > Avg. of 32,059 new 'residents' per day.
 > Avg. of 1,335 per hour.
 > Avg. of 22 per minute

That's 2 per minute less than the last post on March 12th.
Last I heard, the extremely popular "World of War Craft" has only about 6 million members... and it's a game.

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