Sunday, March 11, 2007

Games in Education

Two quotes from a short documentary from the Orange County Department
of Education:

"Computer and video games also show a great deal of potential as teaching and learning tools. They can provide a context for learning,
opportunities for inquiry, and frameworks for collaboration. They are also deeply motivating and engaging for today's students. More importantly, players are learning difficult to teach 21st century skills such as adaptability, self direction, risk taking, interactive communication, prioritizing, planning and managing for results.
There's little doubt that a good deal of incidental learning is
taking place when students play these games, but the question is how
we can harness this powerful new medium for intentional learning in
formal education."

"I think that what we're looking at is a technology which allows
people to drill deep into the subject matter, to explore choice and
consequence to play with complex variables, to simulate real-world
processes, to create peer-to-peer teaching teaching opportunities, to
create immersive and highly motivated mode of learning... and all of
that, I think, is enormously valuable in the context of K-12 classroom."

Video can be found here:

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